
waking wakers & futuring futures — or — Building a future executor

11 minutes read (3130 words)

I built an async runtime for a project of mine. Apparently that's fancy enough that people want to to blog about that. So here it goes, a write-along journey so you can build your very own async runtime!

This is the first post talking about the async runtime itself and the first that shows code and not just talkes about showing code.


Preamble: Philosophising about futures

4 minutes read (1319 words)

I built an async runtime for a project of mine. Apparently that's fancy enough that people want to to blog about that. So here it goes, a write-along journey so you can build your very own async runtime!

This first post is more theoretical, explaining how futures work in more detail, doing the groundwork for later.


Writing a Kernel

4 minutes read (1370 words)

I started writing an operating system kernel in Rust.


Blog Wars 4: A new hope beginning.

2 minutes read (817 words)

This is my new blog. And it's rather fancy — everything is compiled into HTML once and then just statically served. In this blogpost I'll explain some of the major features of the engine and the blog in general.
